One of the largest stumbling blocks to investing in stocks responsibly and safely is knowing how to get started. “If only I had met you sooner” is a phrase I hear often. Sometimes we just want to find someone who can show us the way. A real person, not a faceless entity behind a website, but a guy you can chat to over an email or over messenger/whats app.

Step 1 – Enrol on the FREE Beginners Course
The course is you best first step to getting started investing. It’s 100% FREE and will only take you 1-2 hours to complete. It will teach you the very basics of how to get started and will cost you nothing but some time. By the end of the course you’ll have a far greater understanding of how to open a broker account, how to buy stocks and how the whole thing works. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE AND ENROL

Step 2 – Read My Book
My Book is a low-cost entry to taking your learning onto the next level. You can get it from Amazon for less than £10 and it will take your learning onto the next level following the course. CLICK HERE

Step 3 – Watch My Video Blog
I produce a video blog about long-term investing over on Instagram. The show is dedicated to the analysis of UK stocks that you can buy through the London Stock Exchange. The video’s are short and sharp, delivering value for long term stock investors. CLICK HERE

Step 4 – Listen to My Podcast
Another FREE resource is my weekly Podcast ‘Diary of a UK Stock Investor’. The podcast is geared towards beginners and serves as another low cost entry into understanding the markets. We cover psychology and mindset, strategies and tips on successful long-term investing in UK stocks. CLICK HERE

Step 5 – Join the CC Investment Club
Eventually you’ll reach the point where you feel comfortable to start buying stocks and building a portfolio of income producing assets. Knowing which stocks to buy is crucial to your long term success. As a full time analyst I spend my week studying companies and looking for the best long term growth stocks. I identify which stocks to buy, and at what prices to buy them at. I share my findings with my membership, the Chris Chillingworth Investment Club. If you’re interested in joining you can email me directly here. CLICK HERE